Used Genelec

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About Genelec:

Since they were founded in 1978, Genelec has kept professional audio at the core of their business. By offering reliable, neutral sound reproduction for any and every environment, Genelic has positioned itself as a brand that second to none in dedication to both research and development, as well as its customers.

A true leader in the music industry, Genelec consistently strives to bring audio joy to its customers. Beloved the world over, their gear is used by a diverse lineup of artists, including former Hanoi Rocks Frontman Michael Monroe, Wu-Tang Clan associate Cilvaringz, and Finland’s most successful band, Nightwish. Now, it's clearly the right time for you to grab some Genelec gear of your own.

Genelec makes a seriously wide assortment of gear, which means you'll have no trouble finding everything you need right here. Of course, if you're not sure what it is you need, you may want to check out our best sellers and take thing from there. The M040AM Music Creation Monitors, for example, are powerful mid-sized monitors that are absolutely ideal for professional applications. With a clear, powerful sound that will deliver an honest representation every time, these monitors are a must.

Another great option available here is the 8030 LSE Triple Play Two 8030Bs and one 7050B sub. This is a compact, nearfield monitoring system that comes loaded with a full frequency response and a top of the line stereo imaging. All of which means that you'll be able to improve your mixes like never before thanks to these beautiful monitors.

And these are only a few of the dozens of Genelec options available in this section. It doesn't matter if you're setting up a home studio or a professional work space to record a wide assortment of musicians, Genelec has the tools of the trade you need to ensure everyone sounds their absolute best.