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About Graph Tech:

Nearly three decades ago, the idea for Graph Tech was born out of a less than ideal moment on a stage in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Graph Tech's Dave Dunwoodie was midway through a performance when he went to use his tremolo bar and his guitar went totally out of tune. This is due to a problem known as string binding. Spurred by this incident and the resurgence of tremolo use, Dave decided there had to be a better way to get that iconic whammy sound without risking a tuning disaster. With that, Graph Tech was born, and they've been a leading force in the world of guitar parts ever since.

Graph Tech gear comes factory installed on many guitars, including instruments made by Gibson, Godin, Guild, Martin, Schecter, Taylor, Washburn, Yamaha, and more. Not only that, Graph Tech products are also used by artists such as Dick Dale, Kenny Wayne Sheppard, Randy Bachman, and Sam Roberts, just to name a few. With artists and brands of that caliber standing behind Graph Tech, it's no wonder you want to as well.

So which Graph Tech gear is right for you? Well, that's a matter of personal preference. Check out a few of the options available here to get a better idea of exactly what you need and then take things from there. For example, the Tusq Ivory Acoustic Guitar Bridge Pins are ideal for making sure your acoustic guitar stays in tune for longer than ever before. These Martin-style pins are made from synthetic ivory, resulting in a look and feel you'll appreciate.

Another great option, especially for Fender fans, is the TUSQ XL Fender Style Slotted Nut. This slotted nut offers permanent lubrication to go along with its great TUSQ tone and classic good looks. And best of all, it's designed to help keep you in tune when you reach for that tremolo bar and dive bomb into your guitar solo.

Graph Tech has definitely helped to play a part in the resurgence of tremolo playing. This is because they have managed to solve the problem of your guitar going out of tune in a non-invasive way that actually adds to the overall look of your instrument. No doubt about it, when you're looking to upgrade your guitar's components, Graph Tech should be your first choice.