Used Evans

Musicians Friend presents Evans brand drum heads products, parts and Accessories

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About Evans:

When you're looking for the best makers of instruments and parts, one of the top things to keep an eye out for is their record of firsts. Evans drumheads are the perfect example of this: they were the company that introduced us to the first synthetic drum heads on the market. Since that beginning, they've continued to show that they're not content to rest on their laurels, always pushing the envelope and discovering new ways to push drumhead design forward.

The guiding philosophy behind these drumheads and accessories is simple. Evans believes that in order to be the best, you have to play the best - so they work hard to build just that. For the drummer who really likes to customize, Evans offers a great selection of individual heads allowing you to mix and match to your heart's content. Whether you like your drumheads coated, clear or even hydraulic, there are plenty of amazing options here.

If you want to give your entire set an overhaul, check out some Evans bundles, like the Onyx 2 Drumhead Pack, EC2 SST Coated Drumhead Pack or, if you're into world percussion, the Tri-Center Bongo Head Combo Pack. There's no faster way to revitalize the sound of your drum kit than by putting in a full new set of heads.

While you're browsing the Evans lineup, don't forget to take a look at all the other things they have to offer, too. For example, you can make your bass drum head last longer by slapping on the Evans EQ Double Bass Drum Patch. Or, to help you out with one of the most routine tasks you'll do as a drummer, consider the Evans Torque Drum Key - it allows you to pre-set a specific torque so that all your lugs will be uniform, even and rattle-free.

A quick glance at what Evans has to offer definitely shows that they design everything from a drummer's perspective, and the more you look through the choices here, the more impressed you'll probably become. When you're searching for drumheads and accessories built by someone who truly understands you and your instrument, Evans always delivers.