Making a warranty claim

My product is outside the return policy, and now I'm having problems with it. What can I do?

The first step is to determine if your product is currently under warranty, either through the manufacturer or through our Gold Coverage protection. If you are unsure if your item is still under warranty, you can typically find the warranty terms included in the manual with your product, or on the manufacturer's website. For Gold Coverage, call 1-800-449-9128 or email us and we can confirm if you are still within warranty.

If you are under warranty and would like to submit a claim through the manufacturer, most manufacturers accept requests through the support section of their website. Some will have you submit your claim through us however. In order to do that, call or email us and have the following information ready for our support staff:

  1. Serial number from the product
  2. Brief description of the warranty claim (What is wrong with the item)
  3. Shipping address where the manufacturer will return the item after evaluation and repair

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

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