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About Harbinger:

When musicians and engineers think of that distinct "British sound" they often go right to Soundcraft. Considered the professional choice for mixing gear, Soundcraft, originally founded in central London, have built their reputation on the absolute unparalleled quality of their equipment. An international powerhouse in the music industry, if you are looking to separate yourself from the rest of the pack, you've definitely come to the right place.

Innovative, intuitive and simply incredible to use, the top-quality gear in this section was designed with a variety of needs and styles in mind. Say you're just building your first setup. You're probably looking for something that will allow you to start working from day one. Something like the EFX12 / Harbinger APS15 PA Package. Featuring the powerful EFX-12 mixer with its built-in 24 bit Lexicon digital effects processor, it also comes with Harbinger APS15 15" powered PA speakers, two Audio-Technica M4000S Microphones, and all the other essentials. Easy to set up and pre-bundled so you know everything will work together as intended, this package gives you an instant professional arrangement.

On the other hand, if you're searching for the best of what Soundcraft has to offer in order to enhance your current setup, turn your attention over to the Si Expression 3 Digital Mixer. An absolute industry-changer, this unbelievably versatile, powerful mixer features 32 mono mic inputs, 66 input processing channels, 20 sub-group/aux busses, 4 Stereo Lexicon Effects engines and so much more. With a legendary quality and the ability to integrate instantly with other system components using any of the Si series option cards, this mixer has redefined what the standard is.

From live sound and recording to post-production applications, Soundcraft equipment does it all. They really have no equal when it comes to the sound their equipment produces. So whether you're new to the scene, or you're looking to upgrade to maximize your performances, Soundcraft is exactly what you want when the show starts.