Home Amplifiers & Effects Amplifiers Bass Amplifiers 1x15 Bass Amplifiers

1x15 Bass Amplifiers

(42 Items)
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Markbass CMD JB Players School 200W 1x15 Bass Combo Amp
5.0 of 5 stars (19)
Product Price  $649.99
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Acoustic B300C 1X15 300W Bass Combo With Tilt-Back Cabinet
5.0 of 5 stars (2)
Product Price  $429.99
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Markbass MB58R CMD 151 P Bass Combo
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $899.99
Ampeg Venture VB-115 Bass Cabinet
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $774.99
24-Month Financing*
Ampeg Rocket Bass RB-115 1x15 200W Bass Combo Amp
4.5 of 5 stars (3)
Product Price  $559.99
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Fender Rumble 200 1x15 200W Bass Combo Amp
5.0 of 5 stars (61)
Product Price  $579.99
Markbass New York 151 Black 300W 1x15 Bass Speaker Cabinet
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $399.00
48-Month Financing*
Markbass Mini CMD 151P IV 1x15 300W Bass Combo Amplifier
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $1,249.99
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Markbass MB58R 151 PURE Bass Cabinet
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $899.99
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MESA/Boogie Subway 1x15" 400W Ultra-Lite Bass Speaker...
5.0 of 5 stars (2)
Product Price  $1,229.00
48-Month Financing*
Markbass Traveler 151P Rear-Ported Compact 1x15 Bass...
5.0 of 5 stars (15)
Product Price  $699.99
Aguilar DB 115 400W 1x15 8 Ohm Bass Speaker Cabinet
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $1,249.99
48-Month Financing*
Markbass CMB 151 Black Line 150W 1x15 Combo Bass Amp
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $499.99
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Fender Rumble 115 600W 1x15 Bass Speaker Cabinet
5.0 of 5 stars (28)
Product Price  $399.99
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $1,359.99
Kustom KXB100 100W 1x15 Bass Combo Amp
5.0 of 5 stars (7)
Product Price  $429.99
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Ampeg PF-115HE Portaflex 1x15 Bass Speaker Cabinet
4.5 of 5 stars (11)
Product Price  $499.99
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Orange Amplifiers OBC115C 400W 1x15 Bass Speaker Cabinet
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $999.00
Gallien-Krueger Fusion 115 Bass Combo Amp
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $1,798.50
Gallien-Krueger MB115 1x15 200W Ultralight Bass Combo Amp...
4.5 of 5 stars (8)
Product Price  $898.50
48-Month Financing*
Markbass MB58R CMD 151 PURE Bass Combo
5.0 of 5 stars (2)
Product Price  $1,249.99
Blackstar Unity BASSU250 250W 1x15 Bass Combo Amplifier
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $649.99
Aguilar SL 115 400W 1x15 Bass Speaker Cabinet
5.0 of 5 stars (3)
Product Price  $1,139.99
Peavey MAX 250 250W 1x15 Bass Combo Amp
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $499.99
Kustom DEEP115 700W 1x15 Bass Speaker Cabinet
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $449.99
Gallien-Krueger CX115 300W 1x15 Bass Speaker Cabinet
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $598.50
48-Month Financing*
Markbass MB58R 151 P Bass Cabinet
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $799.99
24-Month Financing*
Orange Amplifiers Crush Bass 100 100W 1x15 Bass Combo...
3.0 of 5 stars (3)
Product Price  $599.00
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Fender Bassman Pro 115 1x15 Neo Bass Speaker Cabinet
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $879.99
Blackstar Unity 250ACT 250W 1x15 Powered Extension Bass...
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $579.99
Ashdown ABM-115H EVO IV 300W 1x15 Bass Speaker Cabinet
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $599.99
Ashdown EVO 115T II 300W 1x15 Bass Speaker Cabinet
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $449.99
Blackstar Blackstar 1X15 Bass Cabinet W/Eminence
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $899.99
Gallien-Krueger Legacy 115 800W 1x15 Bass Combo Amp
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $1,498.50
Ashdown Studio 15 300W 1x15 Bass Combo Amp
5.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $699.99
Bugera BXD15A 1,000W 1x15 Bass Combo Amplifier With...
5.0 of 5 stars (3)
Product Price  $429.00
48-Month Financing*
Markbass MB58R 151 ENERGY 1x15 400W Bass Speaker Cabinet
4.0 of 5 stars (1)
Product Price  $849.99
Bugera BXD15 Ultrabass 1,000W 1x15 Bass Combo Amplifier
4.5 of 5 stars (4)
Product Price  $419.00
Ashdown ABM Ultra 115H-NEO 500W 1x15 Bass Speaker Cab
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $749.99
Gallien-Krueger Neo115-IV 500W 1x15 Bass Speaker Cabinet
0 of 5 stars
Product Price  $899.00